Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog

Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog, Struggles with Whether Choosing Her Pet Over Him Was the Right Choice

A boyfriend who hurts his girlfriend’s dog could be a warning sign of potential future domestic violence. Research has shown a clear link between animal abuse and the likelihood of later violence toward humans.

This issue touches on various forms of violence, including child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other aggressive behaviors. Understanding the link between animal cruelty and violence against humans helps shed light on what’s happening in many households.

Abusing animals goes beyond simple cruelty; it points to deeper, more troubling issues. For victims of domestic abuse, companion animals often provide comfort and a sense of safety. Sadly, abusers often manipulate this bond to maintain control, punishment, and dominance over their victims.

Abusers might threaten, harm, or even kill the animal to instill fear and keep the victim under their control. This cruelty is often used as a tactic to force the victim to stay in the abusive relationship, isolate them from others, or exert financial control. The harm done to the pet serves as a reminder of the abuser’s physical dominance, making the victim feel trapped. In many cases, the abused partner stays in the relationship out of fear for their pet’s safety.

One Quora user’s question highlights the emotional turmoil victims face in such situations. She grapples with the painful discovery that her partner has hurt her dog, and she wonders if choosing her pet over him was the right decision. Her question reads:

“How do I deal with the fact that my partner hurts my dog? I just found out recently when he thought I wasn’t looking. Is it right that I chose my dog over him?”

It’s not surprising that many people supported the woman’s decision

You’re absolutely right. People who harm animals often go on to hurt people as well. Your dog relies on you for protection, and you made the right choice in prioritizing their safety.

Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog
Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog

It’s time to remove that man from your life as quickly as possible.

When it comes to loyalty, dogs are unmatched

You made the right choice. Your dog will be loyal to you for life, through thick and thin.

As for the guy, I highly doubt he would offer that same loyalty. And honestly, what kind of person harms a dog?

Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog
Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog

That should be the only red flag you need to see.

It won’t be long before that same aggression turns toward his partner

Exactly. If he’s hurting your dog in secret, there’s a strong chance he’ll eventually turn that aggression toward you.

Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog
Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog

This isn’t just about choosing your dog over your boyfriend—it’s about prioritizing your own safety. If you haven’t already, it’s time to end things with him right away.

Things could definitely escalate if she stays with her boyfriend

If he’s hurting your dog, it’s only a matter of time before that violence extends to you. Choose your dog and let him go.

There are plenty of people out there who love dogs and understand the deep bond you share. Let go of the partner who’s hurting you, and keep the loving, loyal companion who will always stand by you.

Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog
Girl Finds Out Her Boyfriend Has Been Secretly Hurting Her Dog

Your dog depends on you for protection and care, especially in an abusive situation. If you don’t take action now, you could risk becoming your partner’s next target.

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