An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets when living alone

Our pets are cherished members of our family. We love them deeply and would do anything to ensure their happiness and well-being. But is it possible that, by leaving them alone for long stretches, we’re unintentionally being unfair to them? Should those who live alone reconsider having pets?

This question was recently raised by a Quora user, Lisa Dooley Fisk, sparking an insightful debate within the online community. Lisa asked whether others thought it was cruel for people living alone to have pets.

While she doesn’t typically believe it’s cruel to leave pets alone for reasonable periods, she did share her experience of having a dog while living in an apartment. She made sure to walk him at least four times a day, acknowledging the effort it takes to properly care for a pet when living alone.

Lisa’s “tireless trio” refers to her three pets

Lisa mentioned that she doesn’t usually consider it cruel for pets to be left alone for reasonable periods, as long as their needs are met and they’re not isolated for too long.

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

However, she did note that when she had a dog while living in an apartment, she made sure to walk him at least four times a day to ensure he got enough exercise and attention.

When she moved into a house, her dog stayed with her dad, as it was more suitable for him to live there.

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

Since then, she has always had more than one dog at a time, ensuring they have company and keep each other entertained.

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

The single dog was her emotional support during her recovery from a serious illness, offering her comfort and companionship through a difficult time.

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

Other Quora users also shared their own experiences, offering valuable insights. Here are a few of their stories:

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

“Absolutely Not!”


Absolutely not! Many people who live alone actually crave companionship when they come home.

An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it's unfair to have pets
An online conversation has sparked a debate about whether it’s unfair to have pets

Most dogs will nap while their owner is at work. If they’re older and non-destructive, leaving them an enrichment toy (like a stuffed Kong) can keep them entertained while you’re gone.

This also works for dogs that need to be crated when left alone. It’s such a joy to have an animal greet you when you walk in the door after a long day at work.

For those who travel often, a cat might be a better fit since they are more independent, can entertain themselves, and use a litter box. Of course, they still need to be fed.

I lived alone for many years and had up to three dogs while working. It was incredibly comforting to know I always had “someone” waiting for me.

Dogs live in the moment, and they don’t count the minutes until you return home.

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